🪙Staking/Earning ($ELE)

Validate NFTs from other communities for Elementum!

Elementum ($ELE) is the native token of Elementerra, and primary resource of innovation in the world. It is the token used to buy the basic elements of air, earth, fire and water that fuel all discoveries and creations in the game.

Elementum can be earned by Staking your Elementerra NFTs: Rabbit PFPs, Crystals, and Inventor Prize. Elementum can also be earned by Validating (Proof of History), your approved Solana Community NFTs from Sharky.fi, Subber.xyz,

Approved Collections in Elementerra ✔️

In Elementerra, we recognize the value in building meaningful relationships with other collections, protocols, and games in the Solana blockchain ecosystem. To this end, we've introduced a feature where players can Validate (Proof of History) popular NFTs from other projects and generate $Elementum.

For example, by Validating your , you will earn $Elementum. This adds a layer of cross-collection interaction, utility for other collections, and a fun/inclusiveness gaming experience in Elementerra and Solana as a whole.

Validating: You prove that it was in your wallet on Day 1, and then again on Day 10 when you claim your $ELE. (think of it as stake-less staking, soft-staking or non-custodial staking).

Introducing Cross-Chain Airdrops 🪂

At Elementerra, we want to embrace cross-chain interactions and welcome everyone to Solana. Through our Cross-Chain Airdrops, we connect with popular NFT collections and communities on different blockchains to reward our players.

How it works:

  1. Community Votes: We will hold votes to select cross-chain NFT collections.

  2. Snapshot of Top Holders: The Top holders from each collection are identified.

  3. Claiming Tickets: Top holders receive special tickets to burn with their Solana Address.

  4. Airdrop Rewards: By burning the ticket, players receive rewards:

    • $Elementum

    • 1 Elementerra Reward chest

    • A small amount of $SOL to begin their cross-chain adventure

Join our Discord community for more about Cross-Chain Airdrops and to be part of the action! 🎉

Last updated